Have your say on the proposal to merge the Mental Health Advisory and Drug Health Committees

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In 2021 SWSPHN transitioned the mental health and alcohol and other drug (AOD) portfolios into one team to better integrate primary mental health and drug health activities to support consumers with co-morbidity.

SWSPHN is exploring the opportunity to merge the existing Mental Health Advisory Committee and Drug Health Committee into one advisory committee, also to ensure better integration of primary mental health and drug health activities delivered by the PHN.

The purpose of both committees is to provide guidance and advice to SWSPHN in relation to either Mental Health or Drug Health issues to achieve better health outcomes for South Western Sydney.

In 2021 SWSPHN transitioned the mental health and alcohol and other drug (AOD) portfolios into one team to better integrate primary mental health and drug health activities to support consumers with co-morbidity.

SWSPHN is exploring the opportunity to merge the existing Mental Health Advisory Committee and Drug Health Committee into one advisory committee, also to ensure better integration of primary mental health and drug health activities delivered by the PHN.

The purpose of both committees is to provide guidance and advice to SWSPHN in relation to either Mental Health or Drug Health issues to achieve better health outcomes for South Western Sydney.

Page last updated: 23 Feb 2022, 10:53 AM