How will my privacy be protected?

    The platform and registration is secure and protects your privacy. We will protect your details and only use your information for data validation purposes. Further information can be found in our Privacy Policy.

    For any online comments, forums, ideas and stories you choose to contribute to, your screen Username will be publicly visible, but all other information will remain private. Please make sure to choose a Username that you are comfortable being publicly visible.

    What happens to my feedback?

    All comments, ideas and suggestions are collated and used by the relevant team to inform the development of strategies, projects, programs and activities, or to gain an insight into community views and opinions.

    The feedback we receive online is used in conjunction with feedback we receive from other consultation events and face-to-face engagement activities such as workshops, meetings, onsite sessions, or surveys.

    While all feedback provided as part of an engagement is considered in the decision-making process, this does not mean that every suggestion can be taken on board and adopted as proposed.

    What are closed groups?

    Some consultations are open for public feedback and are accessible to all registered site users. Other consultations require feedback from specific groups of people, for example, health professionals only, and are closed groups.

    Closed groups are an efficient way of receiving feedback from a select group of people related to a particular area of work we support.